5 Simple Exercises To Loose Weight In a Month

About 39% of the world population are obese. A survey conducted in 2018 showed that about 13% people under age 18 are obese, and it has nearly tripled since 1975 to 2018.

It is estimated that half of all American adults attempt to lose weight every year.

Apart from dieting, exercise is one of the best method to shed some extra fat.

Exercise not only help you loose fat it also help you to stay healthy and free from diseases such as heart attack, osteoporosis etc.

Here are 5 simple exercise for weight loss

1: Walking

This is one of the easiest and effective way to loose weight. You can go on morning or evening walks in the nature and get some fresh air or you can walk on a tread mill. 
A thirty minute walk can burn up to 180 calories. It will be better if you walk at faster pace as it increases your heart beat thereby strengthening your heart.

2: Jogging                                                                                

It is one of the most effective way for weight loss as well as strengthening cardio-vascular system. In the beginning you will have problems in long running like shortness of breath but eventually it will improve with time.
Also you should try to at least try to jog for 4-5 mins in a go. A 30 mins jog can burn up to 200-300 calories depending in your pace.

3: Running

Running can significantly improve physical and mental health. As a form of aerobic exercise, running can reduce stress, improve heart health, and even help alleviate symptoms of depression it also is a very great exercise for weight loss.


High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one of the best exercise for weight loss. In this you exercise at a very high rate with an increased heart rate, take rest for about 15 seconds and start the new set. It is great for weight loss and maintaining muscle mass. 10 minutes of HIIT can burn up to 150 calories.

5: Body Weight Exercises

Body weight exercises not only helps in fat loss but also helps in building muscle. A 30 mins work out session burns about 120 calories. A very good thing about these exercises is that it minutely breaks your muscle known as micro tears, to rebuild these tears your body burns extra calories. So now you are burning calories when you are at rest.

These are the 5 simple exercises that can help you to loose weight.

Thank you

For any doubts, ask in the comment section.

For my weight loss stories click on the link below


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