MY JOURNEY TO WEIGHT LOSS PART 4:| How I lost 25 kgs in six months without gym

Days passed I eventually lost more weight. My abs were little bit visible, muscle definition was good. I could do 30 to 35 reps push ups, 8 to 10 sets of pull ups and a lot more.

Since, my work out was mainly based on calisthenics I had to find different ways to target different muscle. 

I used to wake up at 6 am, freshen up by 6:30 and start my work out. 

Here are the work out I used to do

I separated work outs in different days to target maximum muscle and give sufficient resting time for its recovery.

Day 1: Chest, Shoulder, and Back Workout

         Push ups - 20 x 3

         Decline push ups - 20 x 3

         Incline push ups - 20 x 3

         Wide arm incline push ups - 20 x 3

         Diamond incline push ups - 20 x 3

         Wide arm push ups - 20 x 1

         Diamond push ups - 20 x 1

         Lateral raises with the help of bag - 12 x 2

         Pull ups - 8 x 2

40 - 50 seconds rest after each set

After that I use to jog for about 5 mins in my house for some cardio.

Day 2: Abs

          Jumping jacks - 45 sec

          Heel touch - 20 x 2

          Cross over crunch - 20 x 2

          Mountain climbers - 30 x 2

          Side bridges right & left - 16 x 2 each

          Butt bridge - 20 x 1

          Bicycle crunches - 20 x 3

          V ups - 20 x 1

          Leg raises - 20 x 2

          Reverse crunches - 20 x 1

          Plank - 1 min

          Cobra stretch - 1 min

40 - 50 seconds of rest after each set

Day 3: Legs

           Side hop - 45 secs

           Air squats - 15 x 2

           Side leg raises - 15 x 2 each side

           Lunges - 20 x 2

           Kick backs - 20 x 2 each side

And few leg stretching exercises.

And repeat with some cardio and hiit.

I was also in 400 - 500 calorie deficit through the entire journey

Currently I am 65 kgs and on a bulk routine.

Here is my before and after pictures.

Weight loss is something a lot of people are struggling, and may my story help others and give the motivation for weight loss.

Links for part 1, 2 and 3 are given below

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:


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