How I lost 25 kgs in Six Months Without Gym


Part 2:

As the days progressed I came to knew more about weight loss. I started morning jogging and then body weight training. After I started jogging I could see big changes in my body. I was loosing weight more rapidly, my body started coming in shape, I was feeling extremely good about myself and I lost around 5kgs in one month I was 81 kgs now in the starting I was 89 kgs. People started noticing changes in me, This gave me confidence and motivation to a whole new level. When I started I never thought I would loose 9 kgs, this was literally the biggest achievement of my life.

In this part I would like to conclude that its not very difficult to achieve what you want. Yeah, loosing weight might be very frustrating when you are not getting result, but if you stay consistent result will come. And as you start seeing result you will feel motivated and confident about yourself.

BEFORE                            AFTER
This photo was taken 2.5 month after I started my journey.

Thank You.

Will be coming soon with Part 3, till then bye.For part 1 click on this link:


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