10 Best Abs Exercises And Tips To Build Abs Faster | Build 6 Pack Abs At Home

A lot of people in this world want to build abs but aren't able to, because of their schedule, laziness or lack of time. Survey says, only only two percent population in the world claims to have abs.

Strong Abs are an integral part of are muscle building system. It is the foundation on many other things, like it prevents back pain by giving a good structure, it provides mobility and strength to excel in sports and other activities. 

Always remember that abs exercises do not help alone, proper nutrition is required like Protein Rich Food , also Loosing Weight is necessary.

Here are some exercise to build abs:

1. Heel Touches

This exercise targets your oblique muscle, these are located in side and front part of the abdomen and helps strengthen and tighten side ab wall effectively.

To perform this exercise one need to lie on their back fold the legs in upright position, then bend one side and touch the right heel with the right hand then left heel with left hand.
Perform 20 to 25 reps and 2 to 3 sets. You will experience a burning effect in your abdomen.

2. Cross Over Crunch

This exercise targets both the abs and obliques. It helps to strengthen the core, sculpts the waist and tones the muscle.

To perform this exercise, lay on your back, fold the legs in upright position, place your hands behind your ears, then lift your right part and left leg bringing them in close contact do the same with the other side. This will give you a little pain in your abdomen. Perform 20 to 25 reps and 2 to 3 sets.

3. Mountain Climbers

This exercise is a form of HIIT which is great for fat loss and build muscle. This exercise targets the core, the rectus abdominus and tightens abs and tons it up.

To perform this exercise, place your hands and toes on the floor with abdomen facing the ground, keep the body straight and start bringing the legs forward simultaneously. Do this for 45 sec and 2 sets. 

4. Side Bridges Right And Left

This exercise mainly targets the obliques but it also targets the rectus abdominus. It also works on your upper and lower back muscle.

To perform this exercise lay on your side, place your hand beneath your shoulder and lift your body on your elbow only taking support from your toes. Now start going down resting only your waist and then again raising it, vice versa, do the same on the other side after completing one set. Inhale while going up and exhale while going down. Perform 12 to 16 reps and 2 sets each side.

5. Sit-ups

This exercise targets the rectus abdominus(six pack muscle), external obliques and core. It tightens and tones the abdomen and is one of the simple and main exercises to build abs.

To perform this exercise, lay on your back fold the legs in upright position, place hand behind the ears or across the chest, then start lifting your body, bringing your body close to your legs and then get back to the resting position. do not lay stress on your neck. Perform 20 to 25 reps and 2 to 3 sets.

Make sure that you rest for 40 secs to 1 min after every set for the recovery of your muscle.

6. Bicycle Crunches

When talking of abs exercises bicycle crunches is on of the best exercise. It targets every single ab muscle also work back and thigh muscles and tones up the entire abdomen. This could be quite difficult for beginners but can be performed using some tricks.

To perform this exercise, lay on your back placing your hands behind the ears and leg lying horizontal in the air, now lift your right side and bring the left leg closer to each other, then go back to the original position do the same with other side. Perform 20 to 25 reps and 2 to 3 sets. This will give you a burning sensation in the abdominal muscle.

For beginners this exercise is quite tough, you can rest your legs on any object that can keep the legs above the ground in a horizontal position.

7. Leg Raises

This exercise targets the lower abs muscle or the lower rectus abdominus and core, it also targets the front thigh muscle and tones the entire lower muscle group.

To perform this exercise, lay on your back, lay your hands straight, tighten your core, gluts and thighs, now raise your legs at a 90 degree angle hold for two seconds and get back to the initial position. Perform 15 to 20 reps and 2 to 3 sets. Inhale while raising your leg and exhale while going back.

8. Reverse Crunch

This exercise targets the lower rectus abdominus, core, obliques, gluts and back muscles. This also helps in toning the abdomen and helps it look attractive.

To perform this exercise, lay on your back, keep your hand straight, tighten your core and gluts, lift your leg in form of seven ans start bringing your knees close to your chest, make sure that your hips also raises for better result. Perform 15 to 20 reps and 2 to 3 sets. Inhale while squeezing and exhale while resting.

9. Push Ups

This exercises targets every single muscle in the body from chest to thighs from biceps, triceps to core, every muscle.

I'm skipping this as most of you know how to do it, though you should do 15 to 20 reps in 2 to 3 sets.

10. Plank 

Plank targets biceps, triceps, chest muscle, shoulder and back, abs muscle etc. It tightens the core and helps in toning

To perform this exercise you need to take support of your elbows and toes making sure that your arms are parallel to each other and the body lying straight. Perform this for 30 sec if you are a beginner and higher if you are intermediate or advance. Breath naturally.

11. Cobra Stretch

This exercise is a form of yoga which stretches your core and provide flexibility to your muscle.

To perform this exercise, lay on your abdomen and raise from the waist with support of your hands keeping the lower body at rest, stretch as much as possible. Stay in the position for 30 seconds and bring your body back to rest. Breath naturally.

*Do not forget to take rest for at least 40 sec after every set.
*Take a high protein diet as it is necessary for building muscle,
*Taking a pre-workout meal helps boosts your performance.
*Stay hydrated during workout.
*Train your muscle at least twice a week.
*Give your muscles time to recover.

Thank you


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