Best Weight Loss Tips| Loose Weight Faster

 About 39% of all adults around the world are overweight. Worldwide obesity rate has been nearly tripled since 1975. There are more children dying each year due to overweight than underweight. People who are overweight are prone to many chronic health problems like stroke, heart attack, certain types of cancer and a lot more.

WHO defines obesity and overweight on the basis of BMI(Body Mass Index) which can be calculated as BMI=MASS/HEIGHT*HEIGHT.

A person whose BMI is greater than or equal to 25 is considered overweight,

While an obese person has a BMI greater than or equal to 30.

A Healthy BMI is between 18.5 to 24.9

The main cause of being overweight is increased consumption of added sugar in the diet and increased inactivity

But the good thing is that it can be prevented and reversed.

Here are some tips that can help you loose weight effectively.

1. Cut back your calorie 

Controlling your diet is one of the main ways that helps in your weight loss. Diet plays 70% Role in weight loss. Eat in a calorie deficit of 300 to 400 kcal from your maintenance calorie whivh is 2200 kcal for men an 2000 kcal for women.

2. Avoid added sugar

Studies show that sugar consumption is major cause of obesity and overweight and many other chronic health problems like diabetes, chronic heart diseases etc. 
Sugar-Sweetened drinks like soda, juices are loaded with fructose a form of simple sugar.
Simple sugar is easily digestible so it contributes in weight gain.
Sugary drinks don't curb hunger, which makes it easy to consume high quantities, leading to weight gain.

3. Resistance training

Resistance training helps greatly in weight loss. It involves muscle development while burning fat. It could be body weight training of weight lifting.
Resistance training burn fat directly and indirectly. First it burns fat while you are exercising, second when you rest. It cause micro-tears in muscles which burns calories when you are at rest while recovering.

4. Add vegetables to your diet

Vegetables are full of fibers and fibers helps greatly in fat loss, it also helps in your bowel movement.
Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that helps boost immunity and fight diseases.
Some vegetable that are helpful in weight loss are broccoli, sweet potato, spinach, cauliflower, green peas etc.

5. Do cardio

Cardio is just great to loose weight, it helps to remove that visceral fat around your stomach.
Running for about 10 mins a day increases your life span by 5 years and also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and also contributes in fat loss.
So try doing some kind of cardio everyday like walking, running, jogging etc.

6. High Intensity Interval Training(HIIT)

10 mins of HIIT burns as much calories as a 30 mins run. HIIT elevates your pulse rate for a longer duration increasing your metabolism thus, burning fat. Hiit can give you result in one month and is a great way to build muscle and burn fat.
Some HIIT exercises are:
Mountain Climbers
Jumping Jacks
Rope Jumping
Plank Jacks

7. Increase your protein intake

Protein is an essential macro-nutrient which is important for muscle building. An  average person should to have 1g protein per kg of body weight and if you are into a lot of exercising thn you should have 1.2g to 2g protein per kg of body weight. Protein rich food increases metabolism to a great extent which helps to loose weight. Have 3 eggs everyday.

8. Eat mindfully

Give time to your food, keep your phone aside while eating. Take small bites and enjoy every bite. Having smaller bites lets you have more bits which signals your brain that you are full letting you consume less calories.

9. Stay Hydrated

Being hydrated can improve your workout sessions that can help you exercise longer and burn extra calories and loose weight. Staying hydrated removes waste and melted fat from your body.
Drinking warm water with lemon empty stomach burns fat and keeps you energized through out the day. Also drinking water when hungry help you curb hunger.

10. Track your calories

Tracking calories can be challenging, keeping track of your ketchup with omelet, your snack could be challenging. Measure your foods dry weight and try to keep the track through various applications. Also manage your calories by seeing your sides.

11. Walk if possible, take stairs

Every efforts counts, walk to your groceries stores and near by places, take stairs to your flat or your office floor and burn some extra calories. By doing this you are contributing to save your planet.

12. Do stretching

Stretching can help you harden your muscle and tones you up which eventually makes you look good. It also keeps you flexible.

13. Drink coffee

Coffee contains caffeine which energize you by increasing your metabolism. Drinking coffee before workout boosts your performance and helps you sustain longer by which you burn calories. Having coffee before run immensely boosts you by which you run longer which is good for your cardiovascular health.

14. Play your favorite sport

Playing your favorite sport once in a week helps you remain flexible and boosts your mood. 
And of course burns lots of calories which burns lots of fat and helps in a healthy interaction with your friends.
So make some time for your favorite sport.

15. Sleep sufficiently

Sleeping directly effects your weight. Poor sleep is a major risk factor for weight gain and obesity. Poor sleep can increase your appetite and craving for sugar.
Also poor sleep lowers metabolism that makes you gain weight.
For better sleep you can go on a run, it makes you tired by consuming your calories which increases your erg to sleep. 
You can also try camomile tea, it really helps in sleep irregularities.

Thank You


  1. I will definitely try this recipe. I usually take pineapple as a smoothie with VeganWay plan protein powder for weight loss. Now, I can try this too.
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