What Happens To Your Body If You Don't Get Enough Sleep| Ways To Improve Your Sleep

We certainly know that a lack of sleep will actually prevent your brain form being able to initially make new memory so its almost as through without sleep memory inbox of the brain shuts down and you can't commit new experiences to memory. So those new incoming informational emails are just bounced, and you end up feeling as though you're amnesiac. You can't essentially make and create those memories.

We also know that a lack of sleep will lead to an increased development of a toxic protein in the brain that is called beta amyloid and that is associated with Alzheimer's diseases because it is during deep sleep at night when a sewage system within the brain which actually kicks in to high gear and it starts to wash away this toxic protein, beta amyloid. So if you are not getting enough sleep each and every night, more of the Alzheimer's related protein will build up. The more protein that builds up, the greater your risk on going to develop dementia in later life.

Effects of sleep deprivation on the body

1. Sleep deprivation affects the immune system.

After just one night of four to five hours of sleep there is a 70% reduction in critical anti-cancer fighting immune cells called natural killer cells. And that's the reason that we know the short sleep duration predicts your risk for developing numerous form of cancer. 

2. Sleep deprivation affects the reproductive system.

Studies shows that men who are sleeping just five to six hours a night have a level of testosterone which is that of someones ten years their senior . So lack of sleep will age you by almost a decade in terms of that aspect of virility and wellness.

3. Sleep deprivation affects your cardiovascular system.

During deep sleep at night you receive the most wonderful form of effectively blood pressure medication. Your heart rate drops your blood pressure goes down, if you are not getting sufficient sleep, you're not getting a reboot of your cardiovascular system, so your blood pressure rises. If you're getting six hours of sleep or less, a 200% increased risk of having a heart attack or stroke in your life time.

Ways to improve sleep

1. Exercise Regularly
Physical activity increase the quality of sleep and extends its duration. So even if you're going out for a ten minute brisk walk, do it, morning, night, evening doesn't matter. Get your physical activity in, it makes you tired and hence helps in better sleep.

2. Diet
First and foremost, you want to avoid eating to close to bed time because that can stimulate your gastric juices and make you really uncomfortable when you are going to bed. On top of that, you need to avoid spicy food, overly citrusy food and something that lot of people do before going to sleep, and that's alcohol. Because you may fall asleep fine on alcohol, but it will hurt the quality of your sleep, and you wont wake up as well rested.

3. Avoid Naps 
Naps are double edge swords, because they are refreshing, and they can give you some energy as long as you can keep them somewhere between 15 to 20 minutes. However it will decrease your sleepiness, which is a good thing but then it will make it harder for you to fall sleep at night because you,re not sleepy. So if you can, avoid the nap unless the circumstances call for it.

4. Caffeine
Get your coffee fix before lunch because caffeine has a half life of six hours, meaning it can take up to twelve hours for it to be fully eliminated from your system. And don't forget caffeine is a diuretic, so it makes you want to pee.

5. Dim Your Lights
When you are in bright light it affects your melatonin hormone which is your sleep hormone and then it makes it more difficult for you to fall sleep and stay asleep.

6. Decrease Blue Light
Decrease the amount of blue light exposure when you get towards the evening. We are talking about mobile phones, laptops, computers. All of that blue light hurts your melatonin hormone and again makes it difficult for you to fall sleep and stay asleep.

7. Cool Down Your Room
Here I'm not talking about decorations. I'm talking about the temperature. When you're trying to go to sleep, your body naturally wants to lower its body temperature. If your room is cooler, it will make it much easier to fall asleep.

8. Get Cotton Sheets
Make sure your sheets are made 100% of cotton. Synthetic fibers will sleep warmer, and keep more bacteria on throughout washes. Plus cotton just feels good and that breathe- ability, that's clutch. 

9. Eliminate All Light
Make sure its pitch black in the room, even if you have a candle flickering on the side table, that still affects your sleep.

10. Turn Off All Alerts
Keep your cell phone alerts off. We are talking about that do not disturb feature. No one should be texting you and waking you up in the middle of the night. Sleep is important and it should be a priority.
What happens in case of emergency, if someone need to reach you?
Well most of the phones have a costumizable do not disturb feature that allows calls from your contacts to get through especially if they dial twice.

11. No Pets During Sleep
This is a tough one for a lot of people. But the more you sleep with a pet the more sleep interruptions you will get the worse quality of sleep you are going to get.

12. If Restless, Get Out Of Bed
This is the most important point. If after fifteen minutes of tossing and turning around you are unable to fall asleep, get out of the bed and do something relaxing. And then try and go back to sleep after fifteen minutes. and we are not talking about checking social media on your phone.

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